UP Excise e Lottery 2022-23 Scheme is activated now on its official portal. The Government of India has provided the responsibility to the Abkari Vibhag In India (also known as Excise Department. Currently, the government of Uttar Pradesh has published notice for the UP Excise Online Registration for Alcohol Shop Online Challan, and E Lottery List, Result will get released soon on its official website. For other information, you can read the article as shown below.
upexciseelottery.gov.in Registration – [upexciseportal.in]
The Uttar Pradesh Government will provide Wine Shops to the candidates using a lottery system. Interested candidates may apply for the Wine Shop Contract through online mode. The purpose of starting the online methodology by the government of Uttar Pradesh is to do the improvement in the image of UP Abkari Vibhag.
The UP Excise Department is also starting an online procedure to reduce the blames of bribes on the authority. The People of Uttar Pradesh who are interested to apply online for UP Abkari Vibhag Registration must require to make all the certificates before applying for it. This article consists of details like UP Daru Theka Lottery 2022 Eligibility, Document Required, Registration Procedure, etc.
Highlights of Uttar Pradesh Abkari Vibhag Lottery 2022-23
Department Name | Uttar Pradesh Abkari Vibhag |
Also Known as | Excise Department, Uttar Pradesh |
Portal Popular as | E-Lottery Portal, and UP Excise E-Lottery Portal |
Government | Uttar Pradesh Government |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Session | 2022-23 |
Article Name | upexciseelottery.gov.in Registration – [upexciseportal.in] UP Excise e Lottery 2022-23 Portal Login |
Category | Registration |
Mode of Registration | Online |
Beneficiaries | People of Uttar Pradesh State |
UP Excise E Lottery 2022-23 Eligibility Criteria | 18 years old applicant, resident of the state, Not Possess any Criminal Records, Make the fee payment as Rs. 15,000/- |
Help Desk | Email ID- [email protected] Helpline Number – 9454466043 |
Official Websites | upexciseelottery.gov.in or upexciseportal.in |
यूपी आबकारी विभाग लॉटरी 2022 Eligibility Criteia
- 18 years old applicants are eligible for UP Excise E Lottery 2022.
- Candidates should have permanent residents of the state.
- Aspirants should not have any Criminal Records.
- Applicants should need to do the fee payment of Rs. 15,000/-.
UP Excise Portal Helpline Number | Supporting E-mail ID Check Here
- Supporting Email ID- [email protected]
- Helpline Number – 9454466043
आबकारी विभाग ऑनलाइन आवेदन के लिए जरूरी कागजात | UP Excise Department Required Documents
- Having a Character certificate created by the Police station and Gram panchayat.
- The Candidates should have their PAN Cards.
- Candidates should have valid and updated Aadhaar Card
- Current Passport Size Photograph of the Applicant.
upexciseelottery.gov.in 2022 Shop List | उत्तर प्रदेश आबकारी विभाग लाटरी 2022
UP Excise Authority will also announce the winner’s name on its official website. The name of the Uttar Pradesh Excise Shop List 2022 along with the Winner’s Name will get declared on the department’s official website. The Winners can download this list through the help of the UP Abkari Vibhag Official Website.
Services Provided By UP Excise Portal | upexciseelottery.gov.in
- Affidavit For Application For E-Renewal
- Registration Through Online
- Registered Applicants Login
How To Do UP Abkari Vibhag E Lottery 2022-23 Login?
- At first, visit the UP Excise E-Lottery Official Website.
- Go to the UP Excise Online Registration page.
- Select the login option.
- Enter the User Name and Password.
- When you have done your registration, you will get a Registration Number that will be your User name.
- On another side, your registered mobile number will be your password.
How Can I Register For upexciseelottery.gov.in Portal? UP Excise Portal Registration Process
- Log on to the Official Website of UP Excise E Lottery Portal.
- Go to the Home page.
- Click on the Login button.
- A new page will display in front of you.
- Enter the User Name and the Password to apply for this lottery.
- After the login procedure, you should need to click on Apply button to get the application form in front of you.
- Fill up the registration form completely with the correct information.
- Upload the necessary documents in the online form.
- Click on the Save and Continue button.
- Also, make the fee payment through the online procedure.
- After the fee payment, you can click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Important Links For Uttar Pradesh Excise E-Lottery Portal
UP Excise Portal Login: Click Here
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