[Start Date and Time] Pitru Paksha 2022 Timing, Navami, Last Date – Pitra Visarjan 2022 Date

[Start Date and Time] Pitru Paksha 2022 Timing, Navami, Last Date – Pitra Visarjan 2022 Date: you will be searching for tea details of the Pitru Paksha of the year 2022 which include the date and timing, about the new moon day of 2022, the end date of Pitru Paksha and many other details. You will find all the details in this article. Follow us throughout the article to know all the details.

Pitru Paksha 2022 Timing – Pitra Visarjan 2022 Date

As you all know that PItru Paksha is a very sacred event. It is a very sacred event, especially for Hindus. You will be searching for the details of the Pitru Paksha for the year 2022. You may want to know the date and timing of the event, the new moon day of the year, the end date of the event, and many other details. Through this article, we will provide you with all the details that you are searching for. We provide many other details as well regarding the same. So follow us throughout the article to know all the details that you are looking for.

Pitru Paksha 2022

Some of the important information regarding Pitru Paksha 2022:

Ritual Pitru Paksha
Year 2022
date 10th of September
End date 25th of September
Starts with Full moon day
Categories of Shradh 5
Food was given to Pitrus kheer, Lapsi, Rice, Dal, vegetable, and pumpkin.
Ritual done by Elder son
Days of ritual 16
Dos and Don’ts provided


पितृ पक्ष 2022

आप वर्ष 2022 के लिए पतरस पक्ष का विवरण खोज रहे होंगे। इस लेख में, हम आपको वह सभी विवरण प्रदान करेंगे जो आप खोज रहे थे जिसमें पितृ पक्ष की तिथि, अंतिम तिथि, नियम और विनियम शामिल हैं। क्या करें और क्या न करें, श्राद्ध के प्रकार और कई अन्य विवरण। सभी विवरण जानने के लिए आप पूरे लेख में हमें फॉलो कर सकते हैं। यह व्रत पितरों को अर्पित किया जाता है। पितरों को अन्न और जल का भोग लगाया जाता है। यह आयोजन मुख्य रूप से पितरों की तृप्ति के लिए किया जाता है। हम आपको इस आयोजन का लाभ भी प्रदान करेंगे।

Pitru Paksha 2022 about – When will Pitru Paksha Start in 2022:

In this section of the article, we will provide you with the history of Pitru Paksha, and why this event has become sacred in Hindu mythology. According to Hindu mythology, there are many Puranas that are mainly followed by Hindus. According to one of the Puranas that is Garuda Purana, after the death of a person, the soul remains in the universe. Only the body dies, the soul will always be in the universe. The soul will go on a journey that is endless. During the 16 days of Pitru Paksha, the soul can eat food. During this, this soul can get out of the extreme pain that they’re feeling. So for the same, the family members and their relatives of the person will give them food and water. This event is performed in religious places. The religious places include Kashi, bananas, and many other places. The act is performed by the shradh. In short, this event is performed for the satisfaction of the soul of the person who is not alive.

Shradh Type:

In this section, we will provide you with the types of Shradh that are performed in India. There are five categories of stars:

  • Nitya
  • Naimittika
  • Kamya
  • Vriddhi
  • Parvana

Shraddha which is done daily is known as Nitya Shraddha. Naimittika is done for one person only. Kamya is done to fulfill special wishes. Vriddhi is done during special occasions like marriage or on the birth of a boy, Vriddhi Shraddha is done to get the blessings of the ancestors. Vriddhi Shraddha is also known as Nandi Shraddha. Parvana Shraddha is done during special occasions like Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha 2022 start date And time:

In this section, we will provide you with the starting date of the Pitru Paksha in the year 2022. The Pitru Paksha dates are not the same all year. It depends upon the cycle of the moon. It mainly starts at the time of the full moon day. The full moon day of Bhadrapakaksh month is often taken for the same. And so, this year, the event of Peter paksha will start on the 10th of September 2022.

Pitru Paksha 2022 dates:

In this section of the article, we will provide you with all the dates of the Pitru Paksha for the year 2022. Below given are the dates, follow these points given below to understand more about the same :

Date Shradh
September 10 Purnima Shradh
September 11 Pratipada Shraddha
September 12 Tritiya Shradh
September 13 Chaturthi Shradh
September 14 Panchami Shradh
September 15 Shasti Shradh
September 16 Saptami Shradh
September 17 Ashtami Shradh
September 18 Navami Shradh
September 19 Dashami Shradh
September 21 Ekadashi Shradh
September 22 Dwadashi Shraddha
September 23 Trayodashi Shradh
September 24 Chaturdashi Shradh
September 25 Mahalaya Amavasi

These are the dates after Pitru paksha for the year 2022.

Pitru Paksha 2022 end date – Pitru Paksha 2022 Start date and Time:

As mentioned earlier, the event is mainly done for 16 days and it starts with the full moon day of the Bhadrapakaksh month, and this year, it will be from 10th of September 2022. So according to the calculation, Pitru Paksha will end on the New moon day which is on the 25th of September 2022.

Shradh rituals:

We are here going to provide you with the request which includes how to perform the shradh and what type of foods can be offered during this ritual. The person doing the start should feed the brahmins. They should donate money. They should also donate red clothing to the brahmins. They should arrange Pitru dosha poojas to get relief in their life from their ancestors. They should give water to the Pitrus during these days. They should also give water to the Banyan tree. The ritual should be performed by the elder son of the family. The food that can be offered to the Pitru includes kheer, Lapsi, Rice, Dal, vegetable, and pumpkin.

Pitru Paksha Rules, Dos and Don’ts

In this section of the article, we will provide you with the dos and don’t that the person doing the shradh should keep in their mind. We have provided you with some of the rules for Pitru Paksha for the person doing the Shradh in this section, please have a look at these points given below:

  • The person who is performing this shradh should be truthful during this period.
  • This person should not lie.
  • This person should not take part in any business deals
  • They should avoid arguments
  • They should avoid fighting
  • They shouldn’t smoke
  • They are prohibited from eating pan and drinking alcohol.
  • They should abstain from having sexual intercourse.
  • They should not even have to massage their body.
  • He should only it the first served food
  • They should not eat meat
  • this person should not invite more than 3 relatives.

Signs of Pitrus dosha :

In this section of the article, we will provide you with the science that indicates pay through dosha in your family. People affected by Pitru Dosha should perform the start for 14 days during the Pitru Paksha To solve the issue. Some of the signs and symptoms are given below. Please have a look at it:

  • There are pregnancy issues and miscarriages.
  • If there are any disorder issues in the family
  • Constant illness of a child
  • no male born into the family
  • No success or little success
  • Financial debt in the family
  • Absence of peace and harmony
  • Problems with marriages
  • Diseases

These are some of the signs and symptoms which indicate Pitrus dosha in the family.

SHradh during Pitrus paksha benefits:

In this section of the article, we will provide you with the benefits of the stars which are performed during the period of Pitru Paksha. We mentioned below points are some of the benefits. Please have a look at it:

  • it provides harmony for the family
  • you will get physical and mental relief.
  • It provides financial stability
  • It solves the problem of delay in the marriage.
  • It helps married couples to have a good life
  • It gives positive energy to the house
  • It removes all the obstacles in your life.
  • It will give you financial and career growth.
  • it will provide you with mini opportunities.
  • It will give you peace of mind.

These are some of the benefits of doing the start during the Pitrus paksha period.

What is the start date of Pitru paksha?

10th of September.

What is the end date of Pitru paksha?

25th of September.

What are the five categories of Shradh?


Can I eat meat during pitru paksha ?

No, it is prohibited.


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