[olas.heslb.go.tz Registration] heslgb online application 2023 – Heslb Login, News and Updates, www.moe.go.tz: Online Loan Application System (OLAMS) is organized by the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) in 2005 for providing loans to students. Higher Education Students’ Loans Board OLAM system for the year 2022/2023 has been started. We kindly advise you to read the given article for the Guidelines for Loans Issuance for the 2023/2024 Academic Year which is also available on the official website of HESLB heslb.go.tz.
heslgb online application 2023
Under the act of HESLB Act (CAP 178), the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) was established in July 2005. Every year HESLB Boards prepare the loan online application for providing loans to needy and eligible students who are pursuing higher education. The heslgb online application 2023 is started from 15th July 2023 to 30th September 2023 application for the academic year 2023/2024
HESLGB will give loans to the applicant’s neediness, who is meeting all the requirements, and the clusters should be chosen according to the subjects given below and those students will be used to determine the loans to be issued in priority programs for approval of the loan. So Students before applying for the loan must check the eligibility criteria and the subjects mentioned in the given article below carefully. The loans which are provided by HESLB have covered all the following items:
- Meals and Accommodation (MA);
- Tuition Fee (TF);
- Books and Stationery Expenses (BS);
- Special Faculty Requirements (SFR);
- Research Expenses (RES); and
- Field Practical Training (FPT)
Information on olas.heslb.go.tz Registration
Name of the title | [olas.heslb.go.tz Registration] heslgb online application 2022 – Heslb Login, News and Updates, www.moe.go.tz |
Department | |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Applicants |
Start Date of Loan application | 19th-July-2023 |
Last Date of Loan application | 30th-September-2023 |
Registration Mode | Online |
Candidates | Students below 35 years |
Contact Number | +255 22 286 4643 |
Place | Tanzanian |
Official Website | www.heslb.go.tz |
Guidelines and Eligibility Criteria for Loans 2023-24
- The candidate must be from Tanzanian
- Through the Online Loan Application and Management System (OLAMS), he or she should have applied for the loan
- The Candidate must complete Higher Education from an institution on a full-time basis
- Students who are admitted to the Open University of Tanzania will be considered for tuition fees and books and stationery expenses
- Have no other source of funding for the studies
- Candidate must not have a formal or regular income from employment
- The candidate will not be considered if he or she had failed in exams, Candidate who has passed the examinations will be consider
- For new loan allocation, the candidate must repay 25% of the previous loan amount
- Loans will be given according to the priority list (Neediness)
- Students who are applying for the loan must have completed ACSEE or other equivalent qualifications
within five (5) years (2018-2022) - Students who want to get admission to OLAMS to pursue various degree programs in the academic year 2023/2024, must have completed ACSEE or other equivalent qualifications within five (5) years (2018-2022)
Loans according to Subjects
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) will give loans to the neediness of students who have eligible with all the above criteria and who will choose the given below subjects. Program HESLB will give the loans to be issued in priority programs subject as follows:
Cluster 1
- Education in Science Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ICT
- Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Chemistry, Oil and Gas
- Health Sciences Doctor of Medicine, Dental Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery, Orthotics, Physiotherapy, Biomedicine, Radiotherapy Technology
- ICT and Programming, Information Systems Management
- Engineering sciences: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, Mineral, Textile, Chemical, Agriculture, Food Processing, Automobile, Industrial, Maritime Transportation, Marine, Electronics and Telecommunication, BioProcessing, Post-Harvest, Water Irrigation, Aircraft Maintenance, and Pilot Engineering
- Actuarial and Data sciences
- Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Sciences, and Production Management
- Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili
Cluster 2
- Basic Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Geology, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Health, Wildlife, Urban Development, and Industrial Metrology
- Lands and Valuation Sciences: Architecture, Landscape, Interior Design, Building Survey, Building Economics, Urban and Regional Planning, Land Management.
Cluster 3
- Humanities
- Business Management
- Accountancy,
- Marketing,
- Finance,
- Economics,
- Social Welfare,
- Development studies,
- Sociology,
- Arts, painting, creative science, Music, Law, Languages,
- Literature, Geography, Psychology, Anthropology, Archeology, Media and Communications Studies.
How to Register in olas.heslb.go.tz Registration? – Heslb Login
- Go to the official website of the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB)- www.heslb.go.tz
- On the homepage, click the login option
- After clicking the option you will be redirected to the new webpage
- There you will have to fill out the required details
- After filling out all the information, click the login option
Documents required in the HESLB Loan process
- Guarantor’s passport size photo
- (Any one) Certified copy issued by Government authorities of Tanzania
(i) National Identification card;
(ii) Voter’s registration card;
(iii) Driving License;
(iv) Tanzanian Passport; or
(v) Zanzibar Resident ID.
Important Links:
- Click here to read and consider ‘Guidelines for Loans Issuance for 2023/24 Academic Year
- Click here to visit the official website of HESLB
- Click here to register in olas.heslb
1. Guarantor’s passport size photo
2. (Any one) Certified copy issued by Government authorities of Tanzania
(i) National Identification card;
(ii) Voter’s registration card;
(iii) Driving License;
(iv) Tanzanian Passport; or
(v) Zanzibar Resident ID.
The heslgb online application 2022 is started from 15th July 2023 to 30th September 2023 application for the academic year 2023/2024.
HESLB Boards prepare the loan online application for providing loans to needy and eligible students who are pursuing higher education.
– The candidate must be from Tanzanian
– Must complete Higher Education
– Candidate must not have a formal or regular income from employment
– Students who are applying for the loan must have completed ACSEE or other equivalent qualifications
within five (5) years